Active Together Annual Review 2022/23 Case Study - Active Melton

Date Published
Jun 2023
Document Type
Case Study
Health & Wellbeing*, Physical Activity, Physical Inactivity
Sub Themes
Mental Health, Physical Health
Geographic Area
Leicestershire, Leicester & Rutland*
Adults, Older Adults
Sport / Activity
Swimming, Gym/Health Club, Exercise Referral
PARS is a programme specifically targeting inactive residents who want to make a positive change to their lives by being more physically active.

PARS is a programme specifically targeting inactive residents who want to make a positive change to their lives by being more physically active. Residents can self-refer or be referred into the programme at which point the Healthy & Active Communities Team will provide a triage service to ensure potential participants are eligible. The team will work with the participant to determine the appropriate pathway based on the needs of the individual or family. In our pilot year, we had two pathways: Active at Home and Active Swim, this year we were able to increase the offer with Active Classes, Active Gym and Active Community.

This year we have supported 50 residents through the pathway, providing follow up check-ins, support and incentives to ensure residents continue and complete the programme.