Active Together Annual Review 2022/23 Case Study - Active Rutland

Date Published
Jun 2023
Document Type
Case Study
Health & Wellbeing*, Physical Activity, Social & Community*, Under Represented Groups*
Sub Themes
Mental Health, Physical Health, Deprivation, Lower socio-economic groups, Young People
Geographic Area
Leicestershire, Leicester & Rutland*
Children & Young People
Uppingham Parkplay started in July 2022, targeting least active families from the surrounding villages. The base, Uppingham CofE Primary School, sits within an area of high deprivation where many housing association properties do not have any outdoor space and rely on public spaces.

Uppingham Parkplay started in July 2022, targeting least active families from the surrounding villages. The base, Uppingham CofE Primary School, sits within an area of high deprivation where many housing association properties do not have any outdoor space and rely on public spaces.

The philosophy of Uppingham Parkplay is that it is fun, free, for everyone and gives people accessible opportunities to be active and improve their physical and mental wellbeing. It provides two hours of free community play, every Saturday morning, with active and inclusive games where all generations can play together. Parkplay has an important 'Belong' section at the end of each session where players can sit and talk, providing opportunities for people to connect, make new friends and help build the community.

In the first six months of the programme, Uppingham registered 100 Parkplayers and continues to grow. The aim is to create a sustainable project for the community with sessions eventually being run by local volunteers.