Active Together Annual Review 2022/23 Case Study - Moving Medicine

Date Published
Jun 2023
Document Type
Case Study
Health & Wellbeing*, Physical Activity, Physical Inactivity
Sub Themes
Mental Health, Physical Health
Geographic Area
Leicestershire, Leicester & Rutland*
Adults, Older Adults
Evidence shows that one in four people would be more active if advised by a GP or nurse, yet nearly three quarters of GPs do not speak about the benefits of physical activity to their patients because of either a lack of knowledge, skills or confidence.

Evidence shows that one in four people would be more active if advised by a
GP or nurse, yet nearly three quarters of GPs do not speak about the benefits
of physical activity to their patients because of either a lack of knowledge,
skills or confidence.

Moving Medicine is the ultimate resource to help healthcare professionals
integrate physical activity conversations into routine clinical care. Condition
specific online consultation guides enable healthcare professionals to have
bespoke healthy conversations with their patients, in as little as 30 seconds.

The Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland microsite, one of only six globally,
makes it quick and easy for healthcare professionals to signpost people to
local services that support and enable people to move more. Since its launch
in October 2022, there have been over 1,200 page views and the consultation
guides have been used on 634 occasions.