activity alliance and Britainthinks (2022) Inclusive recovery report: "Include me as we return to activity"

activity alliance and Britainthinks (2022) Inclusive recovery report: "Include me as we return to activity"

COVID-19 Recovery, Health & Wellbeing*, Physical Inactivity, Social & Community*, Under Represented Groups*
Sub Themes
Mental Health, Physical Health, Disability
Geographic Area
Adults, Older Adults
Sport / Activity
Disability Sport
This research report is released by Activity Alliance in partnership with BritainThinks. It explores how disabled people's motivations and barriers to be active have changed since the COVID-19 pandemic, and how providers can support and include disabled people better in the future.

Key findings from the research show that most participants still want to be active after the pandemic, agreeing the benefit it brings to their lives. However, despite this desire to be active, the research found that disabled people are losing confidence in their access to activity opportunities. And, while the pandemic caused additional challenges for providers there is still a strong appetite among them to improve and grow.