Spotlight on Older Adults: Active Lives Adult Survey

Date Published
Jul 2018
Sport England
Document Type
More Info
Physical Activity
Geographic Area
Older Adults
The older adults report by Sport England looks at how activity levels change as we get older and explores the reasons behind the high levels of inactivity in older people.

The relationship we have with sport and physical activity can vary significantly as we go through different stages in our lives. Our Active Lives Adult Survey shows that someone's age can impact their likelihood to be active, with those aged 16-24 least likely to be inactive, those aged 85+ most likely to be inactive, and a clear trend in-between. Over half of all inactive people in England are aged 55 and over.

This report will delve deeper into the differences in inactivity levels at key life stages. Further Insight sections highlight other relevant research helping to explain the behaviour patterns. Talking Points sections provide context to the insight, exploring some of the possible reasons behind these behaviours. We hope that this report can inform and help to shape approaches to support people to get active and remain active in a way that's right for them.

The course that ageing takes and the relationship with activity levels is not, and should not be, pre-determined. How we age is shaped by our experiences and the way we live our lives. Helping people remain active for longer is a key component of healthy ageing. It provides strength, stamina, suppleness, and skills that enable us to perform basic functions which can keep us mobile, provide a greater quality of life, and so help us to get older in the healthiest way possible.