Understanding the physical activity needs of families who have children with complex disabilities

Understanding the physical activity needs of families who have children with complex disabilities

Physical Activity, Under Represented Groups*
Sub Themes
Geographic Area
Children & Young People
This report highlights key findings and recommendations for all sports providers to consider when delivering sport and physical activity for children with complex disabilities.

Sense launched 'Sense, Active Together' with funding from Sport England, to ensure all children and young people have the opportunity to get the best possible start in life, by building on their existing sport and physical activity offer for children and young people with complex disabilities, as well as their families. Sense commissioned the ukactive Research Institute to undertake a research consultation to understand the physical activity needs of families who have children with complex disabilities.

This involved an:

● Online survey (January – March 2020) exploring, challenges, barriers, motivators and activity preferences of parents and carers of children with complex disabilities. 127 parents and carers responded.

● Three focus groups and 13 interviews with 24 parents and carers exploring these survey themes in more detail.

This report outlines the key findings from the research and sets out recommendations for all sports providers to consider when delivering inclusive activities. Sense have used these to develop an action plan of steps they will take