Uniting The Movement: Sport England's 10-year Strategy

Date Published
Jan 2021
Sport England
Document Type
More Info
Health & Wellbeing*, Physical Activity, Strategy & Policy
Sub Themes
Mental Health, Physical Health
Geographic Area
Early Years, Children & Young People, Adults, Older Adults
This new 10-year strategy is a combination of adapting and upgrading approaches for the times we’re in, and the future Sport England want to build and do differently post-pandemic.

Sport and physical activity has a big role to play in improving physical and mental health of the nation, supporting the economy, reconnecting communities and rebuilding a stronger society. And that is why Sport England are adapting their strategy and upgrading their approach for the times we're in, and the future we want to build, as it is crucial.

As a result of the huge disruption 2020 has caused, and the inequalities it's reinforced or even exacerbated – such as those around socio-economic status and ethnicity – SE's drive to do things differently and confront these inequalities head on is stronger than ever.

There is a need to respond to people's real lives and circumstances, to make sure that everyone has both options and opportunities that work for them. This strategy is also different because it focuses on how the sector needs to change as an ecosystem, so that we can all give people the opportunities they need, informed not only by what we've learned from the past, but work we've done to look at what trends we can see longer term that will shape the next decade.

Their three key objectives in the strategy are:

  1. Advocating for movement, sport and physical activity
  2. Joining forces on 5 big issues
  3. Creating the catalysts for change

The 5 big issues they highlight have been decided by where SE see the greatest potential for preventing and tackling inequalities in sport and physical activity. These are:

  • Recover and Reinvent
  • Connecting Communities
  • Positive Experiences for Children and Young People
  • Connecting with Health and Wellbeing
  • Active Environments

SE acknowledge that we need to create the right conditions for change: across the people, organisations and partnerships with the potential to contribute and help turn the shared plans and ideas into action. They know there are specific capabilities, information, approaches and relationships that - used in the right way - will make progress possible. These are:

  • Effective Investment Models
  • Realising the Power of People and Leadership
  • Applying Innovation and Digital
  • High-Quality Data, Insight and Learning
  • Good Governance

And finally, they go on to talk about how they will work moving forward as an organisation.