Healthy Eating Week: 11-14 June

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Healthy Eating Week: 11-14 June

Get ready for Healthy Eating Week 2019.

About This Campaign

Have a healthy breakfast every day - go for wholegrain or other higher fibre foods, include a drink and at least one of your 5 A DAY! Breakfast helps get the day off to a good start by providing some of the energy and nutrients the body needs for good...

H ave at least five portions of vegetables and fruit every day – choose a variety! It is important to have at least 5 A DAY as vegetables and fruit provide a range of different vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals (e.g. polyphenols) needed for health,...

Have at least 6-8 unsweetened drinks every day – water is a great choice! The body is about 60% water and this is needed for many different functions, such as regulating body temperature. We are constantly losing water through our skin when we sweat,...

Get active every day - move more! Physical activity is beneficial because it can help you to maintain energy balance; improve heart health and strengthen muscles and bones; improve sleep, relieve stress and lift mood. This page contains everything you...

Get the sleep you need every night - get into a good bedtime routine! A healthy lifestyle includes getting enough good quality sleep. Regular lack of sleep can affect your health, making you more vulnerable to colds and infections and is linked to...

Additional useful resources
This page provides links to some additional resources that you might find useful for BNF Healthy Eating Week. BNF resources The Eatwell Guide Potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and other starchy carbohydratesPotatoes, bread, rice, pasta and other starchy...

Maintain a healthy weight and eat well - What you eat, and how much, is so important for your health and your waistline. Choosing healthier foods is easier than you might think. Eating a balanced diet with a variety of foods including fruit and vegetables will help us to look and feel our best.

Our One You page will provide further support to help you to enjoy a healthy diet and maintain a healthy weight. Visit:

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