Neighbourhood Mental Health Prevention Grants 2023-24

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Neighbourhood Mental Health Prevention Grants 2023-24

The aim of the grant is to provide funding for mental health prevention and resilience initiatives at a neighbourhood level designed by neighbourhood stakeholders to improve the mental health and wellbeing of local residents.

About Neighbourhood Mental Health Prevention Grants 2023-24

Leicestershire County Council (LCC) Public Health Team is undertaking a grant process to allocate funding for Mental Health Prevention and Resilience across Leicestershire neighbourhoods.

The Fund has been set up because LCC want to enable and support neighbourhoods to provide local mental health prevention and resilience activities for people aged 18 plus that:

  • Aid in the prevention of poor mental health in the most at-risk populations across Leicestershire
  • Support the prevention of mental health issues developing in the first place or helping prevent existing conditions becoming worse
  • Support the provision of local places for people to receive mental health prevention and resilience services.

Whilst the funding is primarily targeted toward adults, mental health prevention and resilience initiatives which would benefit families constituting both adults and children could also receive funding.

Awards will be given to initiatives which demonstrate a commitment or intention to support residents in a way that values and strengthens their mental health and wellbeing. Initiatives must be inclusive, promote and celebrate local diversity and as much as reasonably possible, utilise local venues that residents of the neighbourhood can easily access to reduce isolation and allow them to feel part of their community.

The deadline for applications is Friday 6th October at 12 midnight.

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