Get to know... Michaella Glenister

Posted: Mon, 20 Feb 2017 09:35

Get to know... Michaella Glenister

GO GOLD athlete Michaella Glenister is the latest to be featured as our Athlete of the Week.

The Charnwood swimmer is making waves in the water as she competes across a range of lengths and disciplines. A European Youth champion and East Midlands representative, Glenister took time out of school and the pool to give us an insight into her life.

  1. If not a professional athlete, what job do you want to have when you're older?

If I'm not a professional athlete I would like to be a marine biologist.

2. What is/was your favourite subject at school?

I think it would be biology.

3. What would be your 3 essential items if you were stuck on a desert island?

A boat, food and my phone probably.

4. Who is your biggest role model and why?

My biggest role model is Michael Phelps because I've just admired him from a young age and I think he's really talented. He's just someone to look up to for me.

5. Describe your typical day:

I usually wake up at 4 for early morning training. I would train from 5 till 7 o'clock then I would come back home and repack my bag for the afternoon session and go to school at 8. I finish school at 4 and travel straight to training which starts at 4.30 and ends at 6.30. After training I will eat my dinner and do homework. I'll then pack my bag for the next session and go to bed ready to do it all again.

To follow Michaella's progress, visit her blog:

Tags: Featured, Go Gold, News, Swimming