GO GOLD Athlete of the Week: Andrew Stamp

Posted: Tue, 26 Dec 2017 17:30

GO GOLD Athlete of the Week: Andrew Stamp

Andrew may well be in the thick of his GCSE's, managing his World Age Trampolining Championships can be an extra weight on his shoulders. This #GOGOLD Athlete of the Week looks at how Andrew juggles his current challenges together as he looks forward to the bright future ahead of him:

1. Describe your typical day

In a typical day. I am up early to get my schoolwork complete before walking to my secondary school with some of my oldest friends. I'm in year 11, so it's got serious at school with lots of mocks, tests and revision. I've just had 11 days off school to attend World Age Championships and I've missed lots of exams. But school have been great and allowed me to retake them over the next week. I finish school and it's straight home to get changed and into the car where I eat a healthy dinner. Training is 3 hours 5 night's a week. I normally get home about 8pm.

2. How would your friends describe you?

I haven't asked my friends but i think they would say I'm funny, loyal and focused. I rarely get time to socialise and have missed birthdays and party's, but when I can we enjoy going into Leicester, watching movies, photography and just chilling out. They are all sporty too and understand the commitments it requires.

3. What has been your biggest challenge?

My biggest challenge is always my next competition. 2018 is going to be massive, with lots of competitions and sitting GCSEs. However on my days off though my biggest challenge is fitting my legs into jeans.

4. What the best place that your sport has taken you to?

I have travelled the world with Trampolining. I've been to Russia, USA, Japan, Portugal, France, Switzerland, Bulgaria and Denmark. I've met some amazing gymnasts, coaches and teams. The British Olympic Association took me to Rio to experience the Olympics which meant I visited the athletes village, the British House and watched Bryony Page win a Olympic silver medal for GB, while sitting with her personal coach and parents.

5. What is your proudest accomplishment?

My proudest moment is winning a silver medal at the Europeans with the junior boys team.

6. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I would love to go to Australia it looks amazing.

Tags: GO GOLD, News, featured, funding, trampolining