Call for ‘Let’s Get Moving Champions’ who can inspire others to get active

Posted: Fri, 19 May 2023 09:00

Call for ‘Let’s Get Moving Champions’ who can inspire others to get active

Active Together has launched its latest search for local people who will inspire others to get active.

As part of its work to promote the health benefits of moving more, the team wants to find a new batch of volunteers to take on the role of 'Let's Get Moving Champions'.

To help inspire the communities of Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland to get moving, Active Together wants to recruit a fresh cohort of inspirational residents to demonstrate the easy ways people can fit getting active into their everyday lives.

Active Together is looking for people who have worked getting active into their everyday lives. It could be walking the children to school, gardening, voluntary work, cycling, playing with the grandchildren or walking their dog.

They also want to hear from people who have started a new activity - such as running using Couch to 5K - as well as people new to activities to support recovery from illness or managing a health condition.This isn't just for individuals but can be done as a group or family.

Community clubs and groups can play their part too by promoting the benefits of their activities such as the social aspect along with being active.

Katie, a current Let's Get Moving Champion from Charnwood said: "I recommend people apply to become a Let's Get Moving Champion because it enables you to tell your story of how you become active and how that changed your life".

Amelia from North West Leicestershire, also a current Let's Get Moving Champion said: "You may be able to inspire someone to get active and your story will make a difference and help them choose to start exercising".

Jo Spokes, Sports Development Manager at Active Together, said: "Seeing other people's stories acts as huge motivation for people thinking about getting active. Our Let's Get Moving Champions play a vital role in inspiring others to get active, through sharing their own experiences".

"If you, or someone you know has recently embarked on a new activity or exercise, have innovative ways of adding small burst of activity into your daily routines or are using movement to support a health condition, we want to hear from you."

As a Let's Get Moving Champion, your story will be used to encourage others to get moving a little more, as part of Active Together's vision to get Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland residents healthier and happier.

The role involves sharing motivation, pictures and bi-monthly updates on progress. Recruits will also act as faces of the programme and help spread the word that moving more is good for you.

Champions of all ages, from all backgrounds and cultures, and all abilities are needed as well as families, groups and clubs.

To apply, visit:

Tags: Aerobics, American Football, Angling, AquaFit, Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Baseball, Basketball, Boccia, Bowls, Boxing, Canoeing, Circuit Training, Climbing, Cricket, CrossFit, Curling, Cycling, Dance, Disability Sport, Dodgeball, Exercise Referral, Fenci, News, Partner, Public