Celebrating our female Let's Get Moving Champions on International Women's Day

Posted: Wed, 8 Mar 2023 09:00

Celebrating our female Let's Get Moving Champions on International Women's Day

Today is International Women's Day celebrated on 8th March each year. To mark the day we are celebrating our fantastic female Let's Get Moving Champions who each day are inspiring others across Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland to get moving.

Amelia- Amelia's top tip for others looking to be active is set yourself small goals and keep an eye on your goal. Don't look at what others achieve, look at what you're achieving and celebrate your goals as you achieve them.

Claire- For Claire, running is like therapy. Her top tip is don't overthink it, just get out there! The hardest part is getting out the door, plan it and do it.

Katie- Katie is a passionate believer in the power of exercise and fresh air. Having overcome the barriers posed by her asthma and being overweight, she really thinks that everyone should have the chance to get more active and to reap the benefits.

Kimberley- Kimberley's biggest inspiration is her mum, who began running as a single parent. She initially ran in plimsolls as she could not afford trainers. She is now inspired by many people in my life, and is so pleased to see women's sport being recognised!

Laura- Being active has not only improved Laura's physical wellbeing, but her mental health also, and now, she is spreading the positive impacts of moving more within local communities.

Samantha- Sam is responsible for a fantastic community of women who are getting active in ways they never thought they would. Sam believes that because she can relate so much to other mums about the fears and challenges of being active, she can use her own experiences to inspire them.

Sharon- Sharon is on a journey from couch to 5k and beyond. She enjoys walking her dogs and is heavily involved in her local football club, where she plays for their development team. Her advice is to start little and often!

Zee- Zee is empowering fellow women towards healthy lifestyles. Her biggest inspiration is Laila Ali - a professional boxer who retired undefeated in 2007. One of the greatest female boxers of all time.

Celebrating our female Let's Get Moving Champions on International Women's Day

Tags: Active Mums Club, News, Public